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Speculative Fiction Guide: Movies/TV Shows


Introduction to Speculative TV/Movies

Popular entertainment often graces both our small screens and movie theaters. There have been many speculative fiction stories produced for Science Fiction and Fantasy fans over the years. Like a lot of popular entertainment, although their historical roots are much deeper, there has been an increase in the number of films and television series produced for our screens in the last 20-30 years. There is also more on the way. Please explore some of the most acclaimed TV and movies below!

Recommended TV Series

Recommended TV

Television is quite possibly the most improved medium in speculative fiction in the last 15-20 years. Our selections have improved tremendously, but I believe we are near the beginning of a movement that has been spurred on by the ability to stream content. The following TV Shows come highly recommended because I have watched them and enjoyed them, or many people have recommended them to me. This is far from an exhaustive list.















Recommended Movies

Recommended Movies

There is just something about going to watch a story on a massive screen in the company of strangers. It mirrors the experience of going to watch a play or other show, or go to a concert. In some ways it is the best of both worlds. Hollywood has been churning out some amazing speculative fiction movies over the last 40+ years. The list below is much more extensive than the TV list above because of the sheer number of stories being told on the big screen as well as the length of time Speculative stories have been produced for theaters.







































Recommended Movies

Some Selected Articles

Wonder Woman’s Feminism is Strong as Hell, But it is not Intersectional (Movies/TV)