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WHS Summer Reading 2024: Home


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Windsor High School students are encouraged to read FIVE BOOKS during the summer.

 For every two books you read, print and complete a RESPONSE FORM and turn it in to the WHS LIBRARY when we return to school in the Fall. Each review is one entry into a raffle for one of two prizes! 

**You must read at least TWO books to be entered into the raffle.** 

Summer Checkout

You can check out print books for the summer from the WHS Library! Any books checked out after May 31st will be due in September. You can take up tot 10 books. The first 25 students to check out 5 or more books will receive a free tote bag or knapsack to carry them! 

eBooks and Audiobooks

Check out Audiobooks or eBooks from our Digital Catalogs! 

Book Review Form

Print the review form and turn it in to the WHS LIBRARY in the Fall.