Whenever you are doing research it is good to get an overview of your topic. Use the Encyclopedia databases below to better understand your topic. Pull information and keywords from the articles found in these articles to guide your searches in other sources. NOTE: These are starting points only!
Evaluating resources for quality is essential when doing any research. In order to be sure we are using information that is accurate, timely, and meets our research purpose, we must evaluate the sources we intend to use. It also helps to have another person look at your sources! Use the tools below to practice this important skill!
Be aware that you will be required to cite your sources both in text and in the last section of your response. Use APA style.
In text, use a style like this (Raphael, 2024). If you use a direct quote, it should look like this: According to Kowitt (2015), "EPSY 1100 is the greatest course in the history of all courses" (p. 23).
Your citation in the last section should follow APA guidelines, and look like this: Kowitt , J. ( 2015 ). Ten reasons why EPSY 1100 is tremendous. The Journal of EPSY 1100, 2(1), 23-26.
Note that the journal title or book name is in italics. The numbers after are: the journal number, (the volume), and the page numbers. For more guidance on APA style, see: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines
Noodletools is our citation generator. Used correctly, it will format your citations for you and ensure you get full credit for providing your sources.