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Health Final Exam Resources: Home

Task Overview

Choose one specific Communicable or Noncommunicable disease to research and then develop a google slide presentation on your  findings using the following criteria:

  • 13 slides
  • At least 2 sources (cited)
  • Include the following:
  1. General Description of the disease
  2. History of the disease
  3. Facts
  4. Symptoms
  5. Diagnosis
  6. Treatment
  7. Where in the world it is most prevalent?
  8. In which age group is it most prevalent?
  9. How is it transmitted?
  10. How can it be prevented?
  11. Any additional Information
  12. 2-3 minute YouTube video
  13. Resources

************  Use ONLY the resources below to accomplish your research task!   ************

Databases & Online Encyclopedias