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Farm to Table: Home

Research Guide of Ms. Taranto's Farm to Table Project.

Project Overview

We have many choices when it comes to food. We can buy it from stores that bring it in from other states or even import food from other parts of the world. There is a cost for our health due to shipping time and freshness, creating a market for preservatives as well as a cost to the environment due to the fossil fuels used to ship over long distances. To meet consumer needs, supermarkets purchase much of their food from factory farms, and have created a market for genetically modified organisms or GMO’s. Fortunately, there has been a push in recent years for people to purchase and eat local foods. The farm-to-table movement, also referred to as the farm-to-fork movement, promotes the consumption of fresh, local, seasonal produce and meat. (Hyder, 2011)

Purpose of the Project: Understand how food makes it to our tables using a variety of sources to explore real world problems related to our food system, and explore some solutions.


Rubrics and Project Expectations

Project Expectations


This project starts with the research-backed assumption that when we cook with fresh local food it ensures individuals, families, and our world are healthier.  However, ACCESS to fresh local food is not equitable across all racial, gender, and class differences. 

The goal of this project is to research a topic related to food equity and justice, then create a proposal to suggest real-life solutions to address the inequitable distribution of fresh local food. 





Websites & Selected Articles