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Eco-Friendly Fiber/Fabric Project: Home

Project for Ms. Manner's fourth block class.

Project Documents


Project Overview


Step 1.

For this photo-story project you will be researching a fiber/fabric that is eco-friendly. You will need to include at least the following information in your work: 

  1. What is the fiber or fabric that you are researching? 
  2. Where in the world does it come from? 
  3. What type of environment does it require? 
  4. How much of it is grown/harvested? 
  5. What is the global market for your fiber? 
  6. How is the apparel industry involved with this fiber/fabric– what is your fiber/fabric used for? 
  7. Is the market for your fiber growing? How fast? Predictions of future growth. 
  8. Advantages/Disadvantages Impact on the environment Chemicals Biodegradable 
  9. How is the raw material made into fibers and then fabric?

Step 2

Once you have gathered all of your information you need to write a script. At the end include your prediction of the future of your fiber

Step 3

Find pictures that will accurately represent your information. Plan on at least one slide for each of the content items above

Step 4

Organize your pictures and your script on a story board & submit it in drive to Mrs. Manner.

I will make comments and suggestions on your work. You will need to check for comments, make changes and resubmit.

Step 5

Be sure to keep track of sources you have used, both for content information and pictures Create your work cited page

Step 6.

Create your photo story—use the photo story packet for instructions

Step 7. Once complete submit your photo Story to your classwork folder


Your Photo story should contain slides for: 

  • Introduction 
  • At least one for each content item 
  • Your prediction of the future for your fiber/fabric 
  • Works cited