Whenever you are doing research it is good to get an overview of your topic. Use the Encyclopedia databases below to better understand your topic. Pull information and keywords from the articles found in these articles to guide your searches in other sources. NOTE: These are starting points only!
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If you are researching a person associated with the 1930's American South, you should be able to find everything you need in Gale Biography.
Setting is determining time, place, and tone in fiction. To aid your understanding of To Kill A Mockingbird, you and a partner conduct research on a particular element of life in a small town in the American South in the early 1930's.
Directions: After gathering your information, present your findings to class. While working on this project, keep in mind that interesting details and humorous stories are most memorable for your audience.
Presentation: Ideas for your presentation include designing and explaining a poster, writing and performing a rap, acting out a skit, or conducting a game show. Amaze your classmates with your creativity.
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