Assignment: Develop a five page essay about your development up to this point in time based on the preceding theories above. How do each of these theories apply to your development? In particular discuss the family system within systems theory. Refer to pages 51-55 in your text as well as two more outside sources. You must cite your text and your sources. Mrs. Green or Mr. McGee will assist you. This is a summative assessment and is worth 100 points. Due date - October 16, 2020
Typed in 12 point Times New Roman Font, double spaced with one inch margins all around. Title page: Systems Theory Essay in the center of the paper. In the lower right corner include your name, date, HDFS and teacher
Cultural Theory
Emphasizes the learned systems of meaning and patterns of behaviors that are shared by a group of people and transmitted from one direction to the next
Systems Theory
Attempts to describe and account for the characteristics of systems and the relationships among component parts comprised within the system
Family Systems fall under Systems Theory
Ecological Systems Theory
Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory considers the individual as developing within a multilayered system of relationships
Microsystem is the innermost level of the environment or the activities and interaction patterns in the child’s immediate surroundings
Mesosystem is composed of contexts that connect microsystems
Exosystem contains social settings that do not include the individual, but affects their microsystem and mesosystem experiences
Macrosystem is the outermost layer, which includes a culture’s laws, values, and customs
Chronosystem is the temporal dimension of a dynamic, ever-changing system
Intervening in the Environment
Gale In Context Access: User name: bityrip / Password: whs_main
Explora and ASP access: public library barcode
Science Reference center Access: library barcode
World Book Online Access: User name: windsor1 / Password: access
Cultural Theory
Emphasizes the learned systems of meaning and patterns of behaviors that are shared by a group of people and transmitted from one direction to the next
Systems Theory
Attempts to describe and account for the characteristics of systems and the relationships among component parts comprised within the system
Family Systems fall under Systems Theory
Ecological Systems Theory
Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory considers the individual as developing within a multilayered system of relationships
Microsystem is the innermost level of the environment or the activities and interaction patterns in the child’s immediate surroundings
Mesosystem is composed of contexts that connect microsystems
Exosystem contains social settings that do not include the individual, but affects their microsystem and mesosystem experiences
Macrosystem is the outermost layer, which includes a culture’s laws, values, and customs
Chronosystem is the temporal dimension of a dynamic, ever-changing system
Intervening in the Environment
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Family Systems Theory Paper (Exemplar)
(Note: you will include specific examples from your own development to illustrate the application of the theories)